Friday, January 15, 2010

Hero Master Class

Ahhh Friday. How I love thee so. At this time of the day the world feels like my oyster. Like I have a million little chances dancing under my fingertip, waiting for me to pin point an exact one that will set the scene for the two amazing day/nights to follow.

One option always jive-bunnying is the Queensy Party House and the Guitar Hero opportunities that come with it. I'm no Jimmy Page but I'd like to think that I give it a red hot go. Maybe if I had Max Dalton's Master Class illustration that features 50 of histories top guitar players in all states of amazingness, I'd be a little bit better.

Funny though, I don't see Stu Harkness in this work... Guess he'll feature in execution 2: the FUTURES 50 top guitar players.

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