Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Condé says "HOT!"

Designed by architects Rodrigo Cunill and Juana Grichener, Home Hotel (Honduras 5860, Buenos Aires, Argentina p: 00 54 11 4778 1008) is a slice of heaven in Buenos Aires that is on the serious side of lush. Brainchild of London music producer Tom Rixton (you'll have heard this Rixton-produced Tom Vek track for sure!) and his Argentine wife Patricia O'Shea, Home was the first hotel to grace fashionable Palermo and service the sexy, dark crowd that are drawn to the areas many pleasures.

Filled with natural light, custom designed Danish furniture, poured cement sinks, and vintage wallpaper... the cherry on top is the beautiful hardwood floor and decking. Throw in polo (yes the horse kind) clinics, trips to the football, and cocktails by Norman Barone, and you've got yourself an freakin' winner!

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