Thursday, July 30, 2009


Someone once said (on Facebook) "nothing beats a hard boiled egg". The fact that Marie Claire and Donna Hay both offer full pages to this gastron-erific delight is probably testament to the fact.

Sarah Petherick (Bridge Farm, High Street, Butleigh - Somerset BA6 8SYUK, 01458 850430. E: makes eating eggs beautiful with contemporary, hand carved eggy spoons. Fusing classic design, with a contemporary twist, Pethericks fine arts background shines through. Being totally natural products (horn, bone and rose wood) each piece needs to be treated with special care and attention.

Each eggy spoon also features an egg detail on the end - exactly what you need if you have a specialised instrument for such a fine boiled art.

And to make the experience even MORE special - hook up the beautiful solid rosewood eggcup (with salt bowl). Such a tickle!

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